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This game needs better player training

  • The game's premise can be played but isn't explained in-game
  • The guidance counseler says to go to the toy room but I don't seem to have any of them.
  • The tutorial seems to be the room next to it but that's just movement (the wall jump is awkward btw)
  • What are the orb/portholes? I swear I activated one once but they turned green after I completed the tutorial.

I'm also nervous about the idea of getting rid of items in the wrong order. Does that mean having to restart the game over and over again? The treasure chest ate my bell without warning.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree the wall jump is no good (the double-tap to dash too), I need to rethink those next time I attempt a platformer. Main trick to wall jumping is you have to be pressing into the wall when you hit jump. The portholes go green when you complete the room or red if you disqualify from it. Using the wrong item disqualifies, then you have to leave and return. As far as getting rid of items in the wrong order, don’t panic! At the limit, it’s possible to complete the whole game without using items at all. But some of the treasure chests become inconvenient, eg if you give away the rocket boots too soon.

(3 edits)

I tried again. You start off with a bell. Where are the rest of the items? I finally got the item menu to appear. I followed your advice and I finished the game. Such a adorable ending. Might be one of the best actually. Thanks!

I really enjoyed this game! I liked how there were many ways to make it to each chest depending on what ability the player used. One thing I want to mention is that unless I remap the movement controls, I'm not able to do the long jump ability, but only to the left. It seems that this only happens when I have moving left assigned to the left arrow specifically. This is a really solid game though, thanks for uploading it!